Useful properties of pineapple

A rich source of vitamin C
Pineapple contains 131% of the required daily dose of vitamin C! It helps to reduce cough and other symptoms of colds and flu and is a water-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in maintaining the health of the connective tissue of the body, and acts as an antioxidant.

As an antioxidant, vitamin C has the ability to synthesize collagen, which is the main protein in the body and is responsible for the health of blood vessels and other organs, and also helps to eliminate skin problems such as sunburn and dry or irritated skin.

You can add the pineapple is part of homemade body scrubs. Due to the high vitamin C content, this amazing fetus will help your body fight the harmful effects of free radicals and reduce inflammation, which is known to contribute to the development of cancer.

High fiber
Fruits with high fiber content have the ability to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. Fiber lowers blood glucose in patients with diabetes mellitus of the 2nd type. High fiber content prevents constipation and establishes a healthy digestive process.

The average pineapple contains approximately 13 grams of fiber, and adding this fruit to your diet is a great way to maximize its health benefits.

Helps prevent infertility
Studies show that foods rich in antioxidants, helps to prevent infertility. Free radicals can damage the reproductive system, and products with high antioxidant activity, such as pineapples, neutralize free radicals and are therefore recommended for women who are trying to get pregnant.

The antioxidants in pineapple such as beta-carotene, vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals, including copper, have an impact on both women's and men's fertility.

Protects against cardiovascular diseases
Potassium, vitamin C and fiber contained in the pineapple is very important for the health of the cardiovascular system. A study conducted on rats, showed that one of the benefits of pineapple juice are its cardioprotective abilities. Besides the fact that pineapple juice reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, it also contributes to a better digestion process.

The use of potassium helps to preserve the mineral density of bone tissue, protects against loss of muscle mass, reduces the risk of stroke and kidney stones. Potassium also helps to normalize high blood pressure. And antioxidants play an important role in the fight against inflammatory processes in the blood vessels.

Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain that dilutes blood and can be an adequate substitute for those who take aspirin every day to reduce the risk of a heart attack.

Prevents asthma
Pineapple contains beta-Korotin, which reduces the risk of asthma. Toxins, environmental pollution, poor nutrition, antibiotic abuse and stress play a significant role in asthma development. These factors provoke inflammation, and here comes to the aid of the ability of pineapple to reduce inflammation due to its detoxification abilities.

Helps to maintain mental health
Another useful property of pineapple is its ability to improve mood and fight depression and anxiety. It contains the amino acid tryptophan, which is used by the body to produce enough serotonin, one of our main "happy" hormones. Consuming a sufficient amount of this amino acid, in addition to other nutrients such as b vitamins, you will provide essential support for the nervous system.

Helps to fight cancer
In 2007, researchers published a groundbreaking article in the Plant Medical Journal that pineapple bromelain proved to be much more effective than traditional chemotherapy drugs used in cancer treatment.

In animal cancer treatment tests, bromeline was found to have had a more effective action than 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) compared to the unprocessed control group. 5-FU has been used in cancer treatment for over 40 years, but its main problem is that it kills or irreversibly spoils not only cancer but also healthy cells and tissues.

Bromelain not only prove to be more effective, but there were also many times safer than 5-FU. Natural compounds such as bromelain have selective cytotoxicity, and they are able to kill cancer cells, leaving healthy cells intact.

Reduce inflammation
The benefits of pineapple include the ability to help those suffering from arthritis and joint pain, as bromelain accelerates healing and reduces pain. In addition, it is very useful for the treatment of sports injuries, including dislocations. Bromelain is often recommended to be taken before surgery to accelerate healing time and reduce inflammation, usually associated with surgical procedures.

Recently a study was done on 100 mice suffering from colitis, and the results showed that long-term use of dietary supplementation with fresh or unpasteurized frozen pineapple juice with active bromelain enzyme is safe and effectively reduces the severity of the inflammatory process.

Another study was done on patients who suffer from sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses). Sinusitis can be caused by infection, allergies or autoimmune problems. The study found that bromelain caused a much more rapid recovery than standard therapy.

Improving digestion
Pineapple provides essential assistance in breaking down proteins to peptides and amino acids. It can relieve the symptoms of ulcerative colitis, acid reflux, and helps the digestive process as a whole.

It is also capable of preventing autoimmune reactions that occur due to common food allergies. Research conducted in Japan has shown that eating pineapple helps those who have celiac disease and an Allergy to the protein gluten.

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