Three Reasons You Should Go Eat A Salad

Salads are the go-to meal for anyone attempting healthy eating, and that is not without reason. If you’re wondering why you should be eating these tasty creations daily, here are a few good reasons why:

Lower Your Daily Calorie Intake
In my family, we have adopted the food ritual of eating a salad with dinner every evening. By starting a meal off with a salad packed with healthy leafy greens, fruits, and vegetables, there is less of a desire to binge or overeat on the typically higher calorie main dish. And salads themselves can make a hearty, filling main dish by adding a protein source like tofu or grilled fish. Studies have shown that salads can produce higher levels of satiety and reduce overall calorie intake. So load up on your salads to shed pounds while feeling full.

Ease and Low Cost
Salads are so easy to make! If you are low on time, nothing is stopping you from chopping up the available veggies in your kitchen and tossing them together to make a tasty, healthy meal. Most salads can be thrown together in under 5 minutes. And on top of being extraordinarily easy to create, they are also inexpensive. Fresh fruits and vegetables are remarkably cheap compared to over processed, prepackaged food.

Health Benefits
It is common knowledge that vegetables are healthful ingredients, and most people are not getting enough in their diets. The high fiber content in carrots, lettuce, celery and many other vegetables can prevent constipation and other digestive issues, while lowering cholesterol. For those who eat salads regularly, they will find an increase of antioxidants in their blood levels. Raw fruits and vegetables are an excellent source of necessary minerals and vitamins.

So what are you waiting for? Go eat a salad, your body will thank you!
Looking for some salad inspiration? Check out my recipes for a greek salad here and my summer strawberry salad here

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