Mie jamur tiram hasil budidaya (Bilingual)


Perlu anda coba makan mie yang dimasak bersama jamur tiran. Rasanya sangat lezat cocok dimulut anda. Jamur tiram ini sangat mudah kita dapatkan sekarang, karena disetiap pasar sayur jamur ini sudah dijual dengan harga yang sangat ekonomis.

You need to try eating noodles cooked with tyrant mushrooms. It tastes very tasty, right in your mouth. This oyster mushroom is very easy to get now, because every vegetable mushroom market has been sold at a very economical price.


Cara masaknya sangat simpel anda hanya perlu menambahkan jamur saat kuah mi anda mendidih dan hanya perlu anda tunggu sekitar 5 menit saja, setelah itu anda langsung memasukkan mie yang sudah anda siapakan, apapun jenis mie kesukaan anda. Cara dan bahan lain seperti anda masak mie biasanya.

The cooking method is very simple, you only need to add mushrooms when your noodles boil and you only need to wait for about 5 minutes, after that you immediately put in the noodles that you have prepared, whatever type of noodles you like. Other ways and ingredients like you cook noodles usually.

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