Burger Night ~ Local Food Edition 🍔

Get Ready For Burger Night!!!!

This simple but delicious meal is made from all locally grown or produced food.
Even the sourdough bun was made at the local bakery.
I have to say that pasture fed free range beef from happy healthy cattle is simply outstanding.
Juicy, succulent, melt in your mouth goodness.
I don't think I'd last a week as a vegetarian, it's just not in my DNA.

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Once again the cheese is the only non local food, our local dairy industries were killed of by the might dollar years ago. And given the price gouging, horrendous behavior of distributors and the utterly ridiculous globalization of milk productsit might even be the end of the industry in this entire country. *endrant*

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Get some local food on your plate Today

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I just love finding, cooking and eating nutritious locally grown or locally produced food.
I'm feeling better and losing weight by making simple changes to my lifestyle, mostly by caring about what I put on my plate.

No Diets -No Fads - No Cleanses - No Exercise Plans - No Bullshit

Just good home cooked local food meals with a story, a story that I know, and a story that I'll share with you.

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