Far From Home Cravings #1

There are those certain foods that say home to everyone. Mom’s meatloaf, that heaping plate of pasta with meatballs and red sauce from the corner Italian restaurant, or an epic cheeseburger with secret sauce from that burger joint that you’ve been going to since you were a kid. Travelling for months, and in our case over a year, you get those deep seeded food hankerings that just have to be itched. If you can’t scratch those foodie craving itches while on the road, then all you have are those longings and yet another reason to come home. This series of posts are dedicated to all those delicious and delectable foods that are near and dear to us.

Street Tacos

The first of our “Go To Foods” when we get off the plane in California are street tacos. There is something special about carne asada, or some Al Pastor tacos that screams “ You are home!”


As Angelenos, we hold a continues love for street tacos! There are very few foods that are so simple yet so satisfying as the 4 to 5 bites of meat, onions, cilantro, and a kiss of lime juice. The tortilla is the true hero in this dish though. A proper taco can’t exist without this perfectly griddled vessels that absorbs all the goodness and transports all the flavor to you one bite at a time.


We would love to know your “Far From Home Cravings!” You know, those special foods that you have to have after you’ve been away from home for awhile. Please send us quick upvote, a follow, and some of your favorite “Go To Foods!” Thanks again Steemians!

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