Diabetes Information: False Ideas and Practices!

There are a few information about diabetes, we believe almost certain that it is true, such as the benefit of honey, and refrain from eating, the risk of sport, and the benefit of rapid weight loss and others .. Here are some corrections to the beliefs worn!


Because of the existence of several information about diabetes, many diabetics may commit mistakes that negatively affect their war on the disease. Diabetes is actually beginning to take care of them and those around them in small steps that may actually make a big difference in their lives and coexistence with this disease.

We want to stress repeatedly that proper and healthy nutrition has already demonstrated how well it can control the course of the disease and alleviate its symptoms. In this way, we will include some of these common misconceptions and nutritional habits that need to be raised and modified:

Diabetes Information: Errors and Correction

Eating excess sugar leads to diabetes
This is one of the most incorrect information about diabetes and spread among the people in our society where they believe that the excessive and frequent eating sugars, especially small or chocolate may be the direct cause of high blood sugar and thus infected with diabetes, and of course this information is false The scientific reasons for the incidence of diabetes are many and vary susceptibility and readiness of the human body Genetics, psychological factors, weight gain, lifestyle, wrong diet practices, and all health problems may be one of the factors that play a major role in a person's diabetes. The link or spread of this idea about diabetes and sugars, is due to the fact that the frequent intake of sugars and starches rich in calories and lifestyle is the cause of obesity may have a significant role in the incidence of diabetes.

Refrain from eating and reduce the number of meals may lead to control of blood sugar and not rise
A serious mistake committed by the diabetic himself and stems from the lack of awareness of some information about diabetes. Disregarding yourself for food is not the solution to controlling sugar and preventing its rise in blood. Usually, this is the first reaction of patients who are newly diagnosed with diabetes as a form of self-punishment, which has adverse effects on the body and may be dangerous to human health. Research has shown how important it is for your day to include many of the meals divided throughout the day and less than normal and calculated calories with regular exercise, which will have a large role in controlling the level of sugar in the blood within the normal range, and that the attendance of breakfast especially From an early age it has proven its active role in the prevention of type 2 diabetes and obesity as well. The major risk of not eating any meal is a sudden drop in sugar level, which can lead to a coma that may be more serious to the patient.

Follow a low carbohydrate diet is the solution

The exception of carbohydrates and carbohydrates from our diet is not the solution! It automatically increases our concentration on taking calories from proteins and fats, and logically all nutrients lead to an increase in the sugar level in the body, even if it takes longer, and our bodies convert all the excess nutrients from the body's need to fatty acids and save them in the form of fat. You should not be deprived of a certain type of food, but a balanced diet and contains all the nutrients required with a focus on the quality of any move away or reduce the intake of simple sugars and replace them with complex carbohydrates that require longer digestion and raise blood sugar such as whole grains, bread Asmar, brown rice and oatmeal. But the important thing is the size of the meal or the amount to be taken so as not to exceed three to four servings of foods containing carbohydrates a day.

The misleading information about diabetes is that eating bread instead of white is permissible in any quantity
Of course, it is wrong to think that replacing white bread with brown bread may help us lose weight or not raise blood sugar. It is a common misconception that bread contains fewer calories and this is simply not true! When nutritionists are encouraged to eat wholemeal bread and whole grains, it is not because they contain less calories than others, they are equal to all starches, but they are rich in dietary fiber. The dietary fiber plays a major role in increasing the sense of satiety and thus automatically reduce the amount of subsequent meals. Fiber also plays an important role in reducing the absorption of sugars in the blood from the intestines and thus maintain the level of sugar in blood.

The use of sugar-free foods and artificial sweeteners is the solution
Balanced health system suitable for the patient according to his condition is the most important, and the diabetic patient can replace the normal sugar artificial sweeteners, but advised to use moderation and supervised by a doctor or specialist and make sure it made from sugar to ensure safety. It is important to know that some commercial foods, such as "sugar free" or suitable for the diabetic or diet may not be appropriate or may not be better than others, in addition to the high price may be a cause of diarrhea when the frequent use to contain alcohol sugar.

Honey is the best solution for diabetics
The fact that honey contains fructose is what may make it unnoticeable in raising blood sugar quickly, but this belief that honey is a friend wrong, it will just need a longer time to raise and consume more energy than the body, and honey contains a few times the amount of sugars in the same amount of sugar Natural. So we recommend replacing them all in moderate amounts of artificial sweeteners such as sorbitol Sorbitol, sucralose and sucralose. Or eat no more than a tablespoon of honey per day so as not to exceed the limit of sugars and calories daily.

Rapid weight loss when diabetic is evidence that it is in the right way
Not always, as most cases of rapid weight loss are signs of diabetes and not a proof of health, as the inability of the body to exploit the energy sources of cells properly and through food leads to the direction of stores of fat in the body and fracture as a reaction to be used as a source of energy for cells.

Sports is forbidden with diabetes
Many studies have shown the importance of the role of exercise in reducing the chances of many diseases. It has been found that increasing physical activity by at least 30 minutes a day can reduce the rate of diabetes or reduce the symptoms associated with it, but always prefer to do this with consultation Doctor or sports coach to determine the type of activity possible.

When heredity is a major cause of diabetes, the solutions are hopeless
Inheritance has a large role in diabetes, or the possibility of the body being exposed to it, and increases the chances of infection if both parents have diabetes and not only one, but we must not neglect that the environmental factor also significant impact, as some cases were The family history of diabetes is free from injury, not obesity or the wrong lifestyle, which is the cause of diabetes, so environmental factors and lifestyle are not neglected in the injury or reduce the symptoms of diabetes, where it was found that the followers of diabetes for a healthy lifestyle and control On calories With exercise has been able to control the level of blood sugar and reduce the chances of development of the disease or associated symptoms such as kidney problems and retina and other studies have shown that reducing the weight by 5 - 7% only reduces the incidence rate of about 50%, and this will not Your family and heritage history is a cause for despair and not a healthy lifestyle.

Fruits are forbidden for diabetics
This is not true, although fruit contains natural sugar, but rich in fiber and nutrients such as minerals and vitamins make them the foods recommended by the diabetic take them, but within the reasonable and recommended by the nutrition specialist to be calculated calories and the amount of carbohydrates and divided throughout the day while not The maximum permissible is 3-4 servings daily, preferably between meals as a snack and it is recommended to be taken with the whole peel to be peeled off the peel or in the form of juice.

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