Earl Grey MuffinTuesday

I finally remember to prep for Earl Grey muffins and was able to make them today! You need to soak the tea in hot (but not boiling) milk for an hour. Since I typically wake up and start muffin marking around 7am, this would push it to 6am (not pleasant), so instead I prepped the night before.


Earl Grey is a black tea with bergamot oil added, to give it a fruity and floral finish. I added pecans to complement it this time, I plan to try dates or another dried fruit in the future (or maybe I’ll get crazy and add both!)

These are a light muffin, with the tea flavoring subtle, but still noticeable and enjoyable :)

I made some classic @gowest.alexandra tea - Earl Grey with coconut milk, tumeric, and black pepper - to complement my muffins and drink as I walked to work this morning, lookin' all hipster with my mason jar and sunglasses!


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