The Healthiest (and one of the tastiest!) Ice Cream



I don't particularly have a sweet tooth, but I do now and then like to indulge, when it comes to ice cream, especially if it is a salted caramel flavor.

I read about a new healthy range of ice cream called oppo that just recently launched in the UK, with claims of "43 calories per scoop", so I was naturally intrigued to find out how this ice cream was healthy and more importantly does it taste any good?


So I got my tub from a local supermarket and was ready for a taste test...


I was not disappointed, in fact I was pleasantly surprised just how good it tasted!

The oppo marketing was not wrong with claims like 'Indulge in Luxury. Without Looking Like You Have'

Why the name Oppo?
Oppo stands for 'Opposites'. Health and indulgence have been traditionally been seen as opposite, but Oppo unifies the two!

So what is Oppo ice cream's secret ingredients?
For start it is made from cold-pressed, wild harvested virgin coconut oil, stevia leaf, and fresh milk from meadow-grazed cows free to roam and eat naturally!

I was further astonished with how Oppo achieved a great and genuine tasting Salted Caramel flavour by using a secret ingredient called Lucuma


Known as 'gold of the incas' in Peru, Lucuma is shaped like a melon, with golden flesh and contains beta carotene, iron, zinc, vitamin B3, calcium and protien!

Lucuma gives this ice cream a smooth maple taste and I kid you not genuine caramel flavor, which is enhanced with a pinch of rich mineral sea-salt..absolutely divine

If the healthy claims are too good to be true, then check out the comparison of sugar, fat content and calories with other brands:


I could seriously finish off a tub in one helping, but it's nicer to savior the taste and have a guilt free indulgence more often!


By the way the chocolate sprinkles are optional extra and not part of the ice cream :)

I have yet to try other 3 flavors Oppo has in their range, including Madascan Vanilla, Mint Choc Swirl and Colombian Chocolate and Hazelnut

oppo 2.png

I look forward to trying these other flavors and will share my thoughts in future blogs, but for now it's time for another helping of Salted Caramel :)

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