RECIPE: Homemade salty crackers with Italian Parmigiano cheese - fast and tasty - sprinkled with sunflower seeds and bread crumbs


Hello there, dear friends!

Happy Wednesday and happy to be back here! Truth is I've really missed the community here and that mutual support around the air, plus some unexpected friendships that I have acquired here!

I am back for good and I will be sharing with you my cooking journey!

I have decided to share with you these amazing homemade salty crackers with Italian Parmigiano cheese. The recipe is extremely fast to prepare and I promise you that the final result is tasty, crunchy, and hard-not-to-eat-at-once!
If you are a fan of salt sticks and crackers like me, and this sounds so mouth-watering, let's get started!


  • 150 gr Italian Parmigiano cheese (grated)
  • 100 gr unsalted butter (melted)
  • 200 gr white flour (strained)
  • 100 ml lukewarm water


  • sunflower seeds (baked)
  • bread crumbs (medium)
  • 1 egg


Preparing the dough is actually quite easy! You should put the flour into a big bowl and then add all of the other ingredients. Mix and stir until you get a homogeneous mixture. That dough should be a bit soft but not crunchy!


You can leave it in the fridge for about 10 minutes to rest.
After that, take your dough and place it on your pastry mat. (I have to say that a couple of months ago I really wasn't seeing any point in owning a pastry mat but trust me - it is a game changer in the cleaning area after cooking!)


Take your rolling pin and roll out the dough to about 1 cm in thickness.
You shouldn't aim for a perfect shape of a circle or somewhat. For me, some of the charm of these crackers is that they look not-so-perfect, to be honest!

Cut that "layer" into half and then create small stripes with the help of a knife!
This is going to be the base for your crackers and from now on you can only upgrade with your personal preferences!


Now you remember that egg I have mentioned - now it is the time to put it some action! Scramble it and spread it around the "dough layer" with the help of a basting brush.
This will help your sprinkles to stick like they are glued on.


It's sprinkle time!
I have decided to go with sunflower seeds for half of the dough and with bread crumbs for the other half.
The truth is you can choose whatever "topping" you decide! If you are a fan of sesame seeds - go for them.

I personally really like those two combinations because:

1. Bread crumbs really allow you to taste the genuine flavor of the crackers but make them extra crunchy and fluffy at the same time;

2. The sunflower seeds truly emphasize and complement the taste of Parmigiano cheese.


Put your ready-to-bake crackers in a preheated oven (180 degrees) for about 10 to 15 minutes.
You can try/eat them while they are still steaming hot or wait for them to cool down if you have the patience!


I hope you have enjoyed that recipe of mine and I will be happy to see you preparing it! In case you decide to do these amazing crackers at home, please don't forget to let me know if you like them!


Stay tasty,
Chef Kate

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