#04 FOOD PORN! ALERT! FOOD PORN! Advanced Chef Training.

Good evening lovely Steemies! 

Until my next recipe, I wanted to share with you some photographs of the food I prepared during the advanced course I took, after I completed my chef training.   

The training was run by Ashburton Cookery School and was designed for those who want to work in fine dining. Each of the tutors was a highly experienced chef who had previously worked in a Michelin starred kitchen. The dishes we prepared were all from top restaurants, and most of them used molecular gastronomy. It was fabulous. I ate like a queen while I was there! It was so wonderful to use different ingredients and the weird and wonderful equipment allowed us to create dishes that tasted just as amazing as they looked.   

This is a steamed aromatic crab, ginger and coriander parcel with a crab bisque reduction.

This was followed by roasted saddle of Dartmoor lamb, basil pomme puree, patty pan, ratatouille and black olive salt. I'd already died and gone to heaven by this point!

And for dessert, an apple tarte fine with a calvados caramel and toffee ice cream. Securely in heaven now...

What followed the next day was the most beautiful, smooth, delicate sauce I've ever tasted, made with Sauternes, a dessert wine from France. It accompanied pot-roasted poussin, sweetcorn, ham and truffle galantine and leek mousse. My mouth is watering just from typing this! Here it is in all its glory:

And for those sweet-toothed Steemies among you, here's my dark chocolate cremeaux with pistachio tuilles and raspberry fluid gel...

Vegetarians: LOOK AWAY NOW! Another lesson brought more adventures and my first experience with pig's ear! I was apprehensive I must say, and I can't say it was my favourite eat of the week, but it was interesting! We made roasted loin of pork, popcorn crackling (SO moreish!), crispy ear, Parisian potatoes and smoked apple puree.

I finished off with vanilla parfait, strawberries and lime with an opaline tuile and strawberry sorbet. 

The next part caused much excitement and anticipation because chef brought out smoke guns to play with! Our starter was a scallop and lime boudin with spinach and sauce vierge.  

Underneath the glass dome is three day slow cooked beef, short ribs, charred leeks, olive oil mash and a Madeira jus…

Now came the weirdest ice cream I've ever had the displeasure of eating- Szechwan pepper ice cream! We were told it would be tasty once it was finished, but it just didn't do it for me! Here it is with pineapple tarte tatin (that bit was yummy):  

The finale came far too quickly- how was I expected to go home to beans on toast after days of monsieur Michelin?! But we went out with a bang...Vegetarians: LOOK AWAY AGAIN! To start with we gobbled up pressed foie gras terrine, Sauternes Jelly (job lot on the Sauternes!), walnut vinaigrette and griddled brioche.  

Followed by roasted fillet of John Dory, linguini and a smoked bacon, sherry vinegar and brown shrimp buerre blanc. 

And finally…..this is not an egg. Can you guess what it is lovely Steemies? Answers in comments please!    

See you soon for another recipe :) XXX 

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