The Cuisine Of Portugal And Spain.


This post is for @pennsif who asked about the food of my trip. A special thanks to you my dear, your request made me stop and spend some money on a few really good meals. I have a tendency to snack my way through trips. I sat for an hour at a few places, tasted every bite and absorbed the atmosphere around me.

First off let me just say I am a fan of seafood and the seafood in these places are off the chart. Every part of their culture has a base in the salty waves that surround their shores. The passion these people have for the sea is beautiful, and as deep as the ocean its self. It is apparent in their art, architecture and of course food.

I was on my last few days of my time in Lisbon Portugal and I decided to go to a place right below my hostel for a meal. I had hear it was a famous spot among locals for really good and well priced meals. Perfect!!!


I orders a glass of sangria, I am not a sweet alcohol person but the sangria here is not always sweet. This glass was perfect. With a lemony tang and slight sweet from the orange, it was divine. I quick word on the peoples relationship with alcohol. It is very common to see someone enjoying a glass of wine at 9am with a meal. I was surprised to find you never see anyone walking around drunk. They respect it and only seem to consume one glass at any part of the day as we would juice or a glass of water with a meal. This to me further proves that if something is restricted or made taboo it will be abused.


I ordered a tradional meal of rustic bread with a meat heavily marinated in olive oil and spices. When the waiter asked what meat I wanted on an adventurous whim I ordered the octopus. He looked at me and asked if I was sure, obviously knowing that was not a typical part of American diet. I nodded and as he left was hoping it would be at least eatable.


It was so good! I would eat octopus every day for every meal if it tasted like this. The meat was tender and the flavor sprung on the tounge. Oh man! The olive oil saturated the bread and the meat, it was tangy. So many flavors swam on my pallet like a painting from Picasso. It was lovely. I savored ever bite and took in my surroundings, the trolley, pedestrians walking and gossiping, a little girl chasing pigeons. Heaven.

The waiter even sat down and joined me, speaking of the beautiful culture of his city, pride shining in his eyes. It was a wonderful moment, one I will savor forever just like the meals memory on my tounge.

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I had to throw out this picture while I am taking about food. This was served on our first dinner at steemfest together. Best fish I have ever had, I am telling you the seafood there is incredible! @roelandp fed us so well! You are a gentleman and a scholar and a damn good host. I am so impressed with what you did for us and very grateful to you and your beautiful family for all the sacrifices you made for us. Big Love to you three <3

I feel in love with this little café a little farther down the street. It was very affordable and had a fun atmosphere. It was decorated with things from my childhood, old tapes, phones and TV's that haven't been around since the early 90's. I loved it.

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Salmon and croissant affordable yummy breakfast. All this seafood is going to turn me into a mermaid.


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Muscovy duck eggs and rustic bread with avocado! So excited for my darling ducks to start laying now that I know how yummy they are.

Here are some shots of food as you walk down the streets, I found it very different than the states.

The have meat hanging everywhere, pretty cool.

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The deliver the bread in the morning and hang it on peoples doors. In my early morning walks there was bread hanging in the alleys everywhere.

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Beautiful pastry shops everywhere. I would usually grab a non sweet one in the morning. Most are filled with shrimp and chesse or samosa, yummy!

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And of course the famous creamy and delicious Pastel de nata. They were so good, crispy on the outside and creamy on the inside. @roelandp pyou are a marketing genius, just saying. Mad respect.

When I arrived in Spain I still hadn't tried paella and really wanted to. So on my last day in Barcelona I decided it was time. I am so glad I did!

It was filled with flavors, different meats and peas and goodness! Oh man was it amazing. I ate it so fast I almost chocked, lol.

As you can see I completely lost interest in my sangria until every bit was consumed. One of my favorite meals of all time. I am on a mission to learn to make this amazing meal.


The food and the people of both these places have won my heart forever. I am so grateful to have experienced them in this life. I am a better person for it.

Thank you so much for reading my blog, if you liked this post lets be friends and follow me.
Big Love.

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