Ode to A Cheddar Bo, A Bojangles Love Story...

When I moved to Virginia two years ago, I had several pre-conceived notions about life in the South. I was certain that I would develop a penchant for all things sweet tea and fried chicken. I would cross paths with debutantes. There would be rocking chairs on everyone’s front porch.

I was very wrong...

My mind’s ability to stereotype the world around me had led me astray.

To most that live here, Virginia is not always considered “The South”. It’s like a nice blend of East-Coasty, midwestern beauty.

Perhaps the most beautiful thing I’ve found here, though, is the Cheddar Bo. Behold:


This is perfection, wrapped up in shiny, foil exterior. A freshly baked biscuit, stuffed with sharp yellow cheddar, and baked until gooey and melting.

Oh. My. Yes, please.

Bonangles is a chain my wife, @thinlinesandsuch, had gushed about many times. She’s the kind of woman who raves about Taco Bell’s Crunchwrap, so I took her praise of the fast food chain with a grain of salt. I never should have questioned her. The fried chicken is on point, and so are the side choices.

Do yourself a favor. Head to the Southern States, and eat a Cheddar Bo. Ask them to make you a fresh one, and they happily will.

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