Green smoothie energy bomb!

Hello steemit's friends,

I am back after a break. It's been a busy time recently. I need to tell you that, I wont be here very often but I hope to be able to share time to time my food creations with you.
Today, I have got a green bomb full of nutritional values? This is what I needed last Friday. I had a very exhausted day behind me and it was still one day left till weekend so needed the power of the greens💚 It's slowly the end of kale season here, so I try to use it as often as possible. If you mix it with some sweet fruits it can taste really good.


400g kale
200g lamb's lettuce
1 mango
200 ml water
4 tbs coconut milk 75%
2 tsp ground flax seeds
1 avocado
1 banana
3 tsp almond butter
1 tbsp vegan protein
squeeze of lemon juice

Mix everything together in a food processor till you achieve a smooth consistency. Enjoy!

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