Tips To Lead A Healthier Life

So today I come bearing TIPS! I know how hard it is to lead a healthy life and how difficult it is to remain healthy for a long period of time, and that's why I chose the simplest, most effective tips that I personally have been applying for the past four years.
Without further ado, here are my tips...

~1. Drink Water: I know you'd say that this isn't effective, but let me tell you this, staying hydrated is the best thing you can do for you body. Drink as much water as you can, it's even better if the water is lukewarm as it helps detoxify your body.
Here's an article about the benefits of lukewarm water:
~2. Organise Your Sleep: Again with the easy tasks, but this one is easier said than done as we prefer scrolling down our News Feeds on social media for HOURS before bed time only to find out that we lost track of time and that it's already 2 AM. So yeah, give yourself the 8 hours of sleep it deserves, for sleep is responsible for more than just a flawless skin and bags-free eyes.
This is an article about the benefits of sleep:,,20459221,00.html
~3. Eat Fruits: Fruits are the most vitamin-providing foods, and most of them are rich in fibres. You can also let the child in you pick fruits with the brightest colours as they are usually high in anti-oxidants.
~4. Eat Vegetables: Just like fruits veggies are rich in vitamins along with minerals that help orchestrate our physical movements.
~5. Surround Yourself With Healthy People: The people around you have a big influence on your lifestyle. It goes unnoticed sometimes how friends and close ones affect either positively or negatively our way of living. So, just as you have Netflix-&-chill friends, make yourself some workout buddies who can motivate you and keep you on track when you go off the rails of the healthy life.
~6. Love Yourself: I know I made this the last point, but it is by no means the least important. Self love is the key to leading a happy life, and as we all know a happy life means a healthy life. So, love yourself and know that taking care of yourself makes you the healthiest person.
If anyone has a simple tip that we can experiment do let us know.
Indie x

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