Food Adventures 4 : I nearly ate Sushi

You cannot eat meat all the time. Occasionally you want something lean and mean, something fresh and raw. It’s time for Sushi !!!

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Location and Environment

As soon I finished my office duties I headed over to Koi Sushi Bar which is located at Nikis 15 st at Syntagma Square. It is in the dead center of Athens and this is the reason it is always full of people , tourists and Greek. I was lucky enough to find a small table and looked at the menu.


As if I knew anything about sushi. Ok, I know that it consists of rice and raw sea food. This is where my knowledge ends. I continued to look at the menu pretending I would choose my favorite one. Until the waitress came.

Food and Service

Of course, I got a little bit of everything. When you know nothing, you order a collection of items and hope you will like something.


For starters I got two heart shaped rice balls. The left one was plain rice and the right one was seasoned with something that made you think you ate fish.


After a little while my sushi arrived. There were various items and as I recall from the catalogue they were called something rolls. I had tuna, salmon and shrimp rolls. Sea weed and rice and rice and fish in the middle , some plain tuna and salmon.

And the green paste in the bottom left corner of the plate, which I decided to eat first. I took a small bite and IT BURNS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


IT BUUUUURRRRRNNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSS !!! What the fuck is that ??? Seriously what is this thing ? Please tell me so that it never ever enters my system again.

I tried to hide my cough and with tears in my eyes I reached for the water trying to act as if everything was normal. And normal it was but only after a couple of minutes had passed.


Then I slowly, more on that later, consumed, without any more surprises the rest of the meal. Paid and returned home probably never to come back again.

Let me entertain you

Now, let me address the elephant in the room. And I mean that instrument of torture that device of ridicule of unsuspected human beings, the chopsticks.


They were laying on the table waiting for the next victim. And that was me. I realized what I got myself into when the waitress brought me the rice balls. I looked her , she looked me back, smiled and left.

Oh, shit, I’m screwed… No forks, no spoons here… In hindsight, who would have guessed, I know, but at that time I was naive, inexperienced …

But, with confidence I grabbed them and tried to eat the rice, only to nearly poke my eye. That didn’t work, so went to plan B. Opened Youtube and typed “how to use chopsticks” , I saw a couple of videos , one I share with you, tried various holds and techniques and clum-sily and slowly was able to eat my sushi.

Proud I was about this feat of mine. Now the food was good, but not great. Rice was cooked correctly and everything was fresh, but without any particular flavor. For what you see I paid 14.5 euros which is on the cheap side as it goes for Sushi.

While I was trying to balance my food to these pointy pieces of wood I looked around me and noticed I wasn’t the only one having the same issues. Not that I would care if someone was laughing at me. Instead of being ashamed, embarrassed , offended I would be happy that I entertained a human being. I gave him the gift of laughter, I extended his life.

In the end do whatever you want and don’t take it seriously or personal.

Have a good laugh and get on with your life.

And until the next food adventure…
Be Healthy, Smile and Steem.


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