🍚My Favorite Indian Food in Philly - LOVASH ! | 我在美國最愛的美味印度餐 。

I wanna share my favorite Indian food which i just had in my 28th day in U.S. today.



The appetizers i love the most is the bread GARLIC NAAN. Taste a little like pizza bread, not very thick ,with the clay oven flavor , and crispy mined garlic. SOOO TASTY! love it so much !

And we order the VEGETABLE PAKORAS, this dish is on the house, so it's a little different from the menu. The crispy fried vegetables with the dressing, mmh so good!


Because i don't really like Indian curry , so the boss change the flavor for me ,the chicken tikka on the iron plate.
Taste very good,a bit sour and hot taste, with onions, green beans and cucumber,not too oil and not too easily to get tired of it. I love it! ;P


There's a pot of flower on each table , let me feel more romantic!



And you will see a little bar when you just enter, they have the professional bartender , if you love to drink , that you can try some their daily special.
The severs are very friendly , and take care of you very much . The dishes are so good, it's a very nice restaurant that i would like to come second times.And we just had a little bit dish , there are so many dishes waiting for me to try next time!

Address : 236 (& 238) South Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147

Phone : (215) 925-3881

Time :
Fri - Sat: 11:30 am - 03:00 pm
Sun- 12:00 noon - 03:00 pm
Dinner Hours
Mon - Thu: 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Fri - Sat: 3:00 pm - 10:30 pm
Sun: 3:00 pm - 10:00 pm



前菜的部分我最愛的就是它的GARLIC NAAN,吃起來的口感有點像披薩餅皮,不會太厚,還有窯烤的香味,加上香酥的蒜頭末在上面。

我們還另外點了VEGETABLE PAKORAS,這是老闆招待的,所以和菜單上的有一些不一樣。酥酥脆脆的炸蔬菜沾著旁邊的醬料吃,真的很美味呀~

因為我不太愛吃印度咖哩,口味對我來說有點太重了,所以老闆幫我換成了鐵盤炙燒的chicken tikka。
口味非常好吃,有點酸酸辣辣的口感,搭配洋蔥、四季豆跟黃瓜,不會太油也不會很膩口,我非常喜歡! :P




地址 : 236 (& 238) South Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147

電話 : (215) 925-3881

時間 :
Fri - Sat: 11:30 am - 03:00 pm
Sun- 12:00 noon - 03:00 pm
Dinner Hours
Mon - Thu: 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Fri - Sat: 3:00 pm - 10:30 pm
Sun: 3:00 pm - 10:00 pm

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