You Are What You Eat - Eat Big to get Big & My Type of Lunch

Hello everybody

Many times we can hear from trainers and fitness instructors "you are what you eat". And that is correct becaouse you can not eat everythgin and expect good results. Every body goal need to have a precise diet plan.

My plan right now is to gain some more muscles so I need to adjust my diet plan on more calories. That means aI need to eat more energy then I spend it during the day.
Becaouse of that I dont have much time in the day becaouse of everyday trainings and work, I need to plan and prepare my food in the morning for the rest of the day. Also, my lunch need to be big becaouse when I leave house after lunch, I will be home at the evening.


This is my example of the lunc of today. There is 400-500 grams of pork meat with 300 grams of mixed vegetables and 3 eggs.

I just love to cook meat in the wok with many spices. This time I put the meat in the wok and roast it a little. Then I added a bit of tomato juice and two small spoon of mustard roast it like that another 2 minutes, then added 2 dcl of soup and 1 dcl of white wine. Then I putted some vegetables and just left it like that untill the liquid did not evaporate.


You are what you eat

Today everybody want to look fit but from my opinoin few of people knows what does it takes to be and stay fit. It is not just going to gym, exercises every day and drink a lot of water.

Sentence "you are what you eat" have few meanings and the most important of them are that you can not eat everything and be fit! There would be no results if you go to the gym every day but after the gym you eat junk food. It is immediately a mistake from the start!
If you want to be and stay fit you need to adjust your diet plan according to that! That means if you want to lose fat, you need to eat less carbs and fats, if you want to gain some muscles, again you need to eat more proteins and carbs. There is no shortcuts to success. If you want something, you need to do it right or you would not achieve it, or you will achieve it slower.

It is important to talk with some experts before you start with your diet becaouse he will know what to do and what type od diet plan is ideal for you. We are not the same, so we dont need the same diet plan. It depends of your age, body structure, genetics and many more!


Also, it is hard to stay on track every day with your diet plan so it is important that you need to always have some prepared food for "just in case". Just imagine if you are on some trip and you start to be hungry and you are at home for 3-4 hours? What do you think will you be strong enough to starve untill you are home or you will eat something outside (something unhealthy)?
Well, that is the main problem of everybody, so my advice is to always carry some food with you, especially if you know that you will be away from home for some longer time.

I hope you found something useful in this post
Have a good day!


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