3-Step Vegan Tomato-Tuna, for Sushi & Nigiri

It's So Simple To Make, It's Comical!
Below are the 3 steps simplified (and explained in detail) with extra tips & tricks.

Tomato-Tuna Nigiri

Scroll down for the link to my Cruelty-Free Taste of the Sea

1) Boil whole tomatoes
2) Skin, seed, and slice the tomatoes
3) Add to sushi rice, and enjoy!

Start by placing whole tomatoes in a pot of boiling water, for a few minutes. You want the tomatoes softened, but not cooked through & through.

It helps to slice an X at the top, or the bottom, of the tomatoes before boiling them. Don't cut too deep, just through the skin to make it easier to peel later.
Remove the tomatoes from the hot water and place them in a bowl of cold water.
Once cooled, you can start peeling them.

Cut them in half, from top to bottom, and remove the seeds with a teaspoon.
You should be left with the fleshy part of the tomato.
Cut as thinly as you'd like (julienne style for sushi), or a little thicker (for nigiri).

Marinade Ingredients:

  • Coconut Aminos (if you can't get coconut aminos, you can use amino acids, or gluten-free tamari, which is still better than soy sauce)
  • A Sprinkle of Kelp (you can also use any of the following super foods in replacement of kelp; sea moss, chlorella, spirulina. If you don't have any of the above, grab a sheet of nori paper and leave it to soak in the liquid mixture, to release its flavors into the sauce)
  • A Few Drops of Sesame Seed Oil
  • A Few Drops of Fresh Lime/Lemon Juice
  • A Sprinkle of Cayenne Pepper (or preferably chopped fresh chili)
  • Small Crushed Garlic (optional)

Let the tomatoes marinate for 30 minutes, to a few hours, then place them on balls of your sushi rice.
You can add a little bit of wasabi in between, or use a bit of crushed up papaya seeds, which taste like mild wasabi.

Wrap them together with a thin strip of nori, for extra support and flavor.

Enjoy Your Plant-Based Nigiri!

Notice how the tomato-tunas change color after being marinated

In a few days, I will release my very own unique creation of VEGAN CAVIAR. Stay tuned!
And As Promised, Here's A Link To My Vegan Sushi Cali Rolls:
Cruelty-Free Taste of the Sea

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