12 Suprising Foods You think are Vegan but Aren't

Being vegan isn't always easy. If you want to make sure to avoid any animal products in your food, then you better read the labels before ingesting it. There are several foods that surprisingly contains varying amounts of animal products.

(number 9)

Here's the full list of 12 foods that you may have thought were vegan-friendly but aren't.  

1. Strawberry jam and other red-dyed foods and drinks. (e.g. Yogurt, juices, candy, and sodas) Some producers like to use small insects called cochineal scale to get the right red color on their product. Look at the ingredient list for; Carmine, cochineal or carmic acid.

2. Beer and wine sometimes contain Isinglass, used as a clarifying agent. 

It's a gelatin-based substance derived from fish. You could also come across casein (milk powder) and egg whites, but you won't find it labeled so if you want to be sure you'll need to ask the brand. 

3. One of most common surprises for newly vegans is the amount of candy that contains an animal product called gelatin, a thickening agent derived from animal collagen. 

4. Bread can contain butter, milk and eggs in a few rare cases. It's all about reading that label to be sure. 

5. Quite a few chips contain traces of milk, (Usually found in the spices being used) 

6. Vitamins and supplements often contain bi-products from animals. Vitamin D3 is usually derived from fish oil, or you can get brands that use the wool of sheep to extract the vitamin. (There are also vegan alternatives on the market.)

7. Some chewing gums contain glycerin, made from insects. 

8. There are some sodas that contain animal bi-products for coloring. 

9. Some natural flavorings contain animal products. Beavers anal scent glands are one very far out there example.

Look out for castoreum on the labels. (Usually found in vanilla, strawberry and raspberry articifial flavorings) It has been used in foods and perfumes for over 80 years. 

10.  French fries are sometimes fried in animal fat and/or contains wheat and milk derivatives. From "Mc Donalds" french fries ingredient list: Natural Beef Flavor [Wheat and Milk Derivatives]

11. Pesto usually contains cheese and/or milk products. 

12. There are types of pasta that contain eggs. 

There you have it, well, let me tell you about one more unexpected food that contains non-vegan based products. Beeswax or shellac are sometimes used to coat fresh fruits and vegetables to make them shiny and more appealing. 

Did you get surprised by any foods on this list? Do you know about some other foods that are typically thought to be vegan, but doesn't always lives up to that expectation? 

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