Kratom Tea Recipe: [not for everyday use]

Find A Kratom Tree

It may be hard to find kratom leafs where you are but it works well with the dried powder if you put it into a teabag.


  1. 4-5 medium sized kratom leaves (pictured above)
  2. Your tea of choice we used Jasmine Green Tea
  3. 1 tbsp Cinnamon
  4. 1 tbs Honey
  5. Hot water



Slice Kratom Leaves into strips. I would imagine the more you slice them the better(more surface area). But I sliced them into strips. Mix all ingredients in a french press and let steep for 5 to 10 min. It is summer so we made it into iced tea. Which is always better in my opinion. Be Safe and enjoy!

Sliced Leaves


Steeping Tea



Press and serve

I’m by no means suggesting that anybody uses this on a daily or weekly basis.

Much controversy surrounds this tree in the western world for this simple reason. One reason is that it has been a very helpful tool for recovery in people with an opiate dependency Another reason it has drawn attention is thatuse it has a slight potential for abuse and dependency. The two are in a tug of war and both are valid reasons.

For more info on healing uses, legal status potential dangers of the Kratom plant, listen to


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