Food and Health Awareness| Lemon is so Refreshing and Healthful

Citrus Limon Osbeck is a small evergreen tree belonging to the Rutaceae family of flowering plants native to Asia.

Health Benefits of Lemon

Various health benefits of lemon are as below:

Treats Fever

Lemon juice can treat colds, flu or fever. It helps break the fever by increasing sweating.

Treats Indigestion

Lemon juice helps treat indigestion and constipation problems. Add a few drops of citrus juice to your dish (be careful, it is not suitable for milk), which will help digestion.

Dental Care

Lemons are also often used for dental care. If you apply fresh lemon juice to a toothache, it can help eliminate the pain. Massage on the gums of the gums can stop bleeding gums while eliminating bad odors that can come from various gum diseases and other conditions.

Hair Care

Lemon juice has been proven to be used for a wide range of hair care. Its scalp juice can treat dandruff, hair loss and other hair and scalp issues.

Skin Care

Lemon juice is a natural preservative and can also treat problems related to the skin. Juice can be used to reduce the pain of sunburn, it also helps relieve the pain of the bee bite. It is also good for acne and eczema. It acts as an anti-aging agent and can remove wrinkles and blackheads.

Internal Bleeding

Lemon has coagulating & antiseptic properties and can therefore prevent internal bleeding. You can apply lemon juice on a small cotton ball and place it in your nose to prevent nosebleeds.

Treats Rheumatism

Lemons are also a diuretic that can treat rheumatism and arthritis. It helps to expel bacteria and toxins from the body

Throat Infections

Because of its well-known antibacterial properties, lemon is an excellent fruit that can solve the problems associated with throat infections.


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