Food and Health Awareness | Kumquat and its Health Boosting Properties

Kumquat is the fruit of a small family tree of Rutaceae and its scientific name is Citrus japonica. These small oranges look like oranges from inside and outside, though smaller than most citrus varieties.

Health Benefits of Kumquats

Kumquats have many amazing health benefits like:

Aid in Digestion

One of the main functions of kumquats is their role in the digestive environment. 8 kumquat is equivalent to 10 grams of fiber and eating a small amount of kumquat is not a difficult thing. These fibers help maintain digestive tract movements and regulate digestion.

Control Diabetes

In addition to their beneficial effects on digestion, kumquat also plays a role in the prevention of diabetes. Dietary fiber helps in optimizing the equilibrium between glucose and insulin in the blood, hence helping the people who have diabetes.

Boost Immunity

Kumquat affects the immune system in many ways because they are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin Cis the first line of defense, without it not only can we not protect ourselves, but we also cannot recover.

Skin Care

The blend of vitamins and antioxidants in kumquat makes them perfect for defending the skin from the undesirable effects of free radicals and cancer, leading to wrinkles.

Eye Care

Kumquat is an ironic source of beta-carotene and vitamin A and is closely related to visual health. Beta-carotene acts as an antioxidant to decrease macular cell oxidative stress, thus limiting macular deterioration and reducing the development of forces.

Hair Care

Vitamin C, natural organic compounds, minerals, antioxidants found in kumquats have the main impact on hair texture, quality, and strength.

Dental Care

Kumquat contains some of the best nutrients, such as calcium, potassium and vitamin C, which can improve the quality of hair and teeth.


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