New Year, New Way Of Eating

I’ve always eaten fairly healthy. Aside from the occasional soft serve ice cream cone or chocolate candies, I try to make everything from scratch. I live in an area that isn’t conducive to gardening - my yard is all stones. Not one grassy patch for a garden. Since my grandfather was an amazing gardener, transforming his backyard from one patch of tomatoes to a full plethora of vegetables, I’m sorely disappointed that I can’t plant anything. A potted garden isn’t an option because my house is small and I literally have no room. We are in the process of raising our house about 11 feet so maybe I’ll have space then, but that’s a blog for another day.

My son gave us a pressure cooker for Christmas! I’ve never used one but I’m super excited to make tonight’s dinner in it! We’re on our way to changing our diet to vegetarian/vegan so we don’t eat meat. I thought that would be an issue with the pressure cooker, but I’m finding I can make all kinds of meatless meals!

So I already started my bread for the day
Now I just have to figure out what to make tonight! I’m thinking butternut squash soup . . . Stay tuned!


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