Sometimes I Hate Eating


Like up to 5pm yesterday I hadn’t eaten anything substantial, just ate fruit and drank tea. It's not even about fasting just food fatigue. I might have written about that before. My body just gets food averse. Ever so often it reminds me to let it rest with no equivocations.

Most times I eat healthy. I always try to feed my body the good things that keeps it humming like a well oiled biological machine. It's the only body I have and good health is the best wealth you can possess. When you get sick nothing else matters but to heal asap. I do indulge sometimes. Guilty pleasures and all that. I haven’t forgotten to be human. One of my friends is a total extremist when it comes to eating. I am a glutton compared to her. She eats like an ascetic.

For whatever ails me I always try to find natural homemade remedies. The Internet has made it real easy to heal yourself. The wealth of information about homemade cures is overwhelming. A lot of snake oil data for sure but you just have to be vigilant. Do your research. Read till your eyes bugging out, then read some more. Else you might as well go the big pharma route. These usually work but with a slew of side effects. That is the main reason I prefer to use homemade remedies to cure me. Same with eating I prefer to cook my meals. At least in that way I know exactly what I am putting in my body. I have definitely improved in my cooking. The Internet teaching me. I am an autodidact chef in the making.

So even with all my healthy eating my body still complains. Sometimes it just wants to be empty. And I totally understand​ that. Every living thing needs downtime. From the lowly ant to the big bad bear, there comes a time when earth creatures must chill from every activity eating included, and just breath. Shut down and breath.

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