grilled fish recipe.

Various recipes with the main ingredients of fish. Complete your menu collection with fish recipes from me. We present it with ease, practical and complete so you can apply at home for your family dish. Consisting of a variety of fish recipes such as my grilled fish, jinara fish, super-tasty grilled fish recipe with curry fish curry spice.

3 kg of fish jinara.3 tail

Marinase Sauce:

1 lemon juice squeezed

2 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce

2 tablespoons of cooking oil

Ground spices:

12 pieces of curly red chilli

10 pieces of red pepper

4 cloves garlic

8 cloves of red onion

2 tomatoes

1 segment of turmeric

1/2 tablespoon of pepper

4 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce

Soy sauce:

16 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce

2 cloves of garlic puree until evenly distributed

1/2 tablespoon pepper powder

1 tablespoon salt

2 red onion cloves until evenly distributed

6 red chili pepper rough until smooth and evenly

2 orange juice

Mix all ingredients of soy sauce on top, stir until blended and smear it on the fish that is roasted and after half cooked rub again the seasoning and wait until the fish so at the serving

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