100% Natural Food Colouring - RED/PINK

As most of you know,

Artificial Food Colouring

Is very dangerous for our health.

Yet, It's something needed in cooking and baking.
How to get around this artificial stuff..?

MAKE your own!!

The process I used to make this all natural RED food colouring
is the same as I used for my GREEN solution.
The only difference is in the ingredient.

To make this dye, I used........ BEETS!
I know, not everybody likes to eat beets but.....
The colour is nice, bold and vibrant; therefore works great as a food dye.

And if you worry about the taste transition - don't.......
Trust me, I can't taste any beets in my cookies :)
And best of all, this is 100% natural!!!


Let me show you how simple this process is.


Peel and wash couple of beets (depends how much of liquid you want to make)
For this recipe I only used one beet and it was more than enough.


In the blender or food processor blend the beets


Next, pass them through the sieve over an empty cup
And press until no more liquid will come out


Discard the beets and keep the juice - this is your food colouring.
I use it while fresh but if you must store it, make sure to store your colouring in an airtight container for up to 2 days in the refrigerator.
Use it for any baking or cooking :)


That's how simple this is :))


Unless otherwise mention, all the photographs are taken by me and the content published on this blog are the property of @awesome-seven. Please DO NOT copy the material or photos in full or in any part without my permission. Thanks!

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