What Goes in Reflects Out / Manifest Challenge # 22

What you put out into the universe, so shall you receive.

On that same note, what you bring into yourself affects every part of your being.

We have learned that our thoughts have a direct relation to our reality. When we think negative thoughts, we attract negative occurrences. Alternatively, when we focus on the positive, we attract the same.

Energy attracts like. Good attracts good.

We can visualize all the positive things we want, but if we are not bringing good into ourselves we will stagnate. I'm talking about what we choose to eat and drink.

Eating healthy creates a solid foundation. You are not going to be successful if you don't eat well! Making poor food choices causes your body to work harder to be rid of the chemicals and things it does not need. Wouldn't that energy be better spent elsewhere?!

Think about your food choices. Yes, indulgences are fine, and even healthy for your spirit, but in moderation.

Choose healthy foods to nourish your body and mind. This creates perfect energy, which in turn attracts the same.

If you need to make changes in your diet for optimum health, do so slowly. Overloading yourself by completely overhauling your kitchen will set you up for failure.

Choose to bring healthy foods and drink into your body. You current and future you will thank you :)

Join the 30 day #ManifestChallenge and overhaul your life!

Images via Pixabay

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I appreciate your support :)

With Love and Light and Good Mojo to my Tribe!


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