Do You Know, Timphan Is The Most Favorite Food in Atjeh


Timphan is one of Aceh's special snacks, Timphan is sweet because it is made from glutinous rice, coconut milk, and banana, and then wrapped in young banana leaves that have been smeared with oil, so as not to stick in the leaves when eaten.

Every coffee shop in Aceh, every morning served Timphan as a snack that accompanied coffee in the morning, even every Eid and Eid al-Adha, while visiting the houses of the Acehnese, you will be served a variety of pastries and also Timphan.

Usually homeowners start making Timphan, one or two days before Eid, and this food can last up to one week. There are several variations of Timphan, some containing coconut, eggs, and durian. However, the most popular is Timphan whose contents are made of eggs, often called Srikaya.

For Acehnese, both young and old, Thimphan has become a favorite food, feels incomplete if Eid or Adha Eid with no on hand Timphan. And for the oversold thing is most remembered other than parents and friends taulan is Timphan.

Not an Acehnese by name, if you do not know Timphan.

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