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Spicy foods that tear the tongue are always strangely attractive. Let's take a look at the 7 spicy dishes and also famous around the world offline!

Top 1 : Thai stir-fried beef

Known as one of the most spicy countries in the world, Thai dishes always have a lot of chili, especially Thai people do not like to use red peppers but prefer the green peppery chili.

Stir-fried beef with lots of chilli
Among Thai spicy dishes, the most famous is the Thai stir-fried beef or Neu Pad Prik made from sliced ​​beef, green onion, basil and especially chili. Green, a popular chili pepper in South East Asian countries because of its characteristic spicy taste, is dubbed the king of chili.

Top 2: Sichuan hot pot

Sichuan dishes have long been known for a lot of peppers. Which is most famous hot pot is spicy. For Sichuan chili is an indispensable spice in daily life, just as the French can not lack croissants and Italians indispensable spaghetti.

Before sampling Sichuan hot pot, make sure you prepare a handkerchief because while you are eating, you will not stop tear. Sichuan hot pot dish is cooked with garlic, onions and chili Sichuan - a chili famous around the world because of the spicy to paralysis. Eat with the hot pot is sliced ​​raw meat and lots of green vegetables. image

Top 3 : Cocktail Shrimp

This dish of Hawaiian origin has always had a strange charm for those who love spicy foods along with fresh seafood. If you can not eat pasta with spicy mustard, it is advisable not to taste it because of the raspberry sauce on the nose, the same sense of electric shock will come to you as soon as you taste the shrimp cocktail. . image

Top 4: Cari Phall

Known as the country that uses a lot of spices in dishes such as curry powder, satay, cinnamon powder ... especially chili is always the first choice in the food processing of the country of India. Dirty.

One of the most popular Indian spicy dishes is always the obsession and challenge for those who like to eat Spicy Curry Phall is known as the spicy curry in the world. This dish is made from 10 of Asia's most spicy chillies, including Habanerp peppers, Scotch Bonnet peppers and Bhut Jolikia peppers, the three spicy chili peppers in the world. image

Top 5: Kimchi

As a temperate country, there are winter snows so in Korean food there is a lot of chili to keep warm for the body. When it comes to Korean cuisine, we can not help but mention the kimchi of vegetables, a dish associated with the Korean image.

Koreans can eat kimchi in the morning, noon, noon. Kimchi is present in most Korean dishes such as kimchi soup, kimchi pork, kimchi rice ... Korean kimchi is made mainly from the familiar vegetables such as cabbage, Cucumber, white cucumber, ... are chopped up a lot of dry chilli powder to create the specific flavor can not be mixed in the kimchi of Korea.

Top 6: Singapore crayfish sauce
Singapore is famous for its cultural diversity and its cuisine. One can see the cuisine of Singapore is the special interference between Western cuisine with other Asian countries such as Malaysia, China, India ...

Speaking of Singapore cuisine can not help but mention the wonderful chili sauce. Sea crabs are firmly combined with the strong taste, spicy peppers of chili. Especially in the crab sauce chili sauce also contains rice, flour and eggs make the sauce thick, sour, spicy hot pepper is very attractive.

Top 7: tokbokki

Known as Korean rice cakes, tokbokki is one of Korea's most popular snacks. The tokbokki is made with a variety of flavors, sometimes fried together with kimchi, and sometimes it is cooked with Korea's black but most attractive and also famous throughout the world is tokbokki is cooked Along with lots of chili powder, chili sauce and green onion.


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