First snow of the year in Boston!

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"Your practice doesn't expect you to show up happy. It asks that you be present. It doesn't mind if you are put together, or if you are a mess. You can arrive with a jumbled mind and a heavy heart. Your practice could care less if you can touch or toes or meditate for hours. It asks simply, that you show up." -- Unknown

One of the biggest misconceptions I see all over the internet and hear so frequently is that yogis "always seem so happy and peaceful." Well, this is, as I said, a misconception. Everyone has bad days. Everyone has their issues. In fact, I believe that most people who are dedicated yoga practitioners are the ones who are aware of this the most. Yoga brings about an immense sense of self awareness to those that practice. It helps find your strengths and weaknesses so you can work to be your best self. It's about learning to accept yourself for WHO you are, and constantly working on self improvement and bringing less harm to all, including yourself.

I get frustrated, just like everyone else. I get angry, just like everyone else. I partake in negative self-talk, just. like. everyone. else. If anyone tries to tell you otherwise, they are simply not telling the truth. But, it's okay to have those feelings and act that way from time to time. It's not the end of the world if your weaknesses consume you briefly. However, you should constantly strive to lessen those moments and to maximize the good.

No, yogis are not always happy and peaceful. They are humans, just like everyone else who share the same sentiments and traits. The thing is, they are the ones who constantly show up to their mat, ready to learn the lessons they need to. They are the ones spreading messages that THEY themselves need to hear. Yoga ISN'T about being perfect. In fact it is about embracing your imperfections and always learning from them. All that really matters in the end is that you learn.

Side note: today was the first snow in Boston so and I rushed out to get some shots. It was cold, but definitely worth it! I will be posting more photos like this every other day, so stay tuned for more!

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