Fitness and sickness

When faced with the winter months, it's our prime time for spreading endless coughs colds and headaches to each other. There are a few things you can do to avoid it. Drink lots of water, eating your vegetables , washing hands after being on the tube/don't be on the tube.
Sometimes it's just inevitable.
So how do you deal with fitness when you are sick?
This is when you really need to know your body. Now some people will take sickness of any sort as a red light to training . But these people need to really ask themselves, is the headache because of dehydration? Staring at a computer too long? In moments like these where I too feel no motivation to train, almost certainly the best thing you can do is train. It gives you an energy boost, gives you a good hormone blast and encourages you to sweat out toxins and drink more water. So if it's a so so feeling, get to the gym.
Then there's the feeling of body exhaustion. You feel weak , your stressed. You have lost your appetite and just can think of nothing worse than being out in the public world for a second longer. This could be either just tiredness or your immune system is low. It's probably best to stay away from the gym incase u come in contact with another sick person and end up getting really sick yourself. Try instead to have a light jog in fresh air then having a nutrient dense meal and an early night. And of course lots of water. And then there is the full on sickness . You haven't drunk the night before but you feel hungover, like you could puke any second, like ur head has been in a vice all night, and you are on fire. This is the point where you give your body a rest. It's obviously fighting something and using up energy to train your body at the same time won't speed up the process. Drink water , stay warm and sleep.
Extra vitamin c is advised during these times. Red peppers,Kiwi, oranges, lemon and supplement tablets .

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