Why Mental Health should come before anything else.

It's been awhile since I've made an appearance, but here I am! IMG_3384.JPG

A lot has been going on in my life - most bad, some good. Whether good or bad, I'm conquering the struggles. It's a constant struggle, but I'm hanging in there.
One of the bigger decisions I've had to make was withdrawing from my powerlifting competition that I've been training for. I injured my knee while squatting. Although it wasn't anything serious, it was enough to terrify me from squatting heavy for a long while. My knees are one of the most important joints of my body, I don't want to risk a lifetime full of complications for a single powerlifting meet. It was tough to make the decision to not compete anymore, but I had to do what was best for my body.
Another bigger decision I've made in recent times was opening up my marriage to a polyamorous relationship, rather than monogamous. This has brought a lot of negative emotions into my life, and it's something I'm dealing with everyday. However, I know that this is what's best for my husband and I, and I'm willing to make sacrifices - more so compromises.
The last bigger decision I've made was picking a doctor and date to schedule my breast revision! I am extremely excited for that because it's something that I've been doing my research on, and I'm confident I've made the right choice.

With all these decisions going on, mentally, I have become extremely overwhelmed. Personally, I'm either high on life or down in the dumps. I've been trying to combat this with mindfulness and being in the present moment, but some days I JUST CANT.
Anyway, I just wanted to share a little with what I was going through and why I haven't been active lately.
Checking in with your mental health weekly is essential for happiness.

Lots of Love,

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