Train With Jane: Getting Out Of Your Fitness Rut

Yes, I am a personal trainer but that doesn’t mean I’m perfect.

In the beginning of the year I started to share every workout I did with you all and was well received by the community well, thank you! Around three weeks ago I did my last workout. Since then I’ve done around two cardio sessions and thats all. These aren’t excuses, but life happens at times and its important that you don’t beat yourself up when you trip. Over the last three weeks I had gone through a mental funk, a cold, and a wisdom tooth removal that I’m not 100% out of the woods yet with. All of these causing me to take a step back from fitness until I fully recover.

Falling off the fitness bandwagon and getting back on is tough! There are so many ways that you can get off of track, wether you go on vacation, holidays, sickness, or just a lack of motivation. I’m hoping these tips will be able to help you get back on track with your fitness goals!

1) Understand that this is just a bump in the road.
Once you get over the fact that you messed up, things will go a lot smoother for you! The more time you spend feeling guilty is time that you can spend moving on. The faster you move out of the guilt phase the faster you can get back on track. It’s science!

2) Ease back in. Don’t go 100% on the first day.
Honestly, I know you want to feel powerful and badass again. But taking off a few weeks from the gym definitely means that you’re not in the shape that you were in before you stopped going. You have to ease back in and I suggest cardio and bodyweight movements. If you start lifting heavy from the start or try to pick up where you left off…you’re going to get sore and not go back the next day making it difficult for you to build a routine.

3) Start with the things you like.
If you like upper body day, go for a upper body day! You are more likely to get back into the gym knowing that you’re about to do your favorite workout - because we all have them. If you absolutely dread leg day, don't start with leg day! Its simple.

4) Get some new workout clothes/gear.
When you’re in a rut and lacking motivation, sometimes you just need a little bit of excitement! I feel that buying some new workout clothes, sneakers or a new piece of equipment will get you fired up to try them out. So, go ahead buy yourself a treat for being naughty!

5) Drink a lot of water and opt to walk whenever you can.
If you haven’t been eating right and haven’t been exercising its likely that you feel lazy, heavy and have that kinda gross feeling. Drinking water and going on walks will help you build up some energy that you’re laking. I dare you to try it yourself, its like magic!

I hope these tips help some of you get a pep back into your step! If any of you have any comments/questions/concerns about fitness feel free to ask in the comments below!

With Love,

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