60 Second Fitness: Lower stress levels to maintain lean muscle mass and keep fat away!

60 Second Fitness is something I am going to try and write a few times a week.. These will be small digestible fitness tips you can start to include in your everyday life to be healthier and happier!


Lower stress levels to keep off fat and maintain lean muscle!

Being stressed leads to higher levels of Cortisol in the body which can lead to excessive fat gain and weight loss.

Quick tips to lower stress in your life:

  • Learn to say no.. Having too much on your plate leads to more work and more stress. Learn to say no to extra work and in your personal life.

  • Develop a meditation practice, starting with just 10 minutes a day. Sit in a quiet room and follow your breath in and out. (I will put a great video to assist with this at the bottom of this article)

  • Exercise more. Exercise has been proven to help reduce levels of stress and cortisol. Even a walk everyday will do it!

If you have any questions comment below I will be more than happy to assist you :)

Take Care.

Mr Fitness.

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