Hump Day Yoga/Strength Training!

Happy Hump Day Steem!!

So I wanted to write about my fitness journey so far! I wasn’t working out that hard this winter. I got a nice “winter” coat and started to feel it in the spring. I know the pic below doesn’t seem “bad” but I had no stomach definition and I was not feeling good about myself.

I decided to dive into a membership and join a local gym. I hate the initiation fee nonsense and sometimes their monthly fees are just too expensive. (Side note to those looking: best time to join a gym is summer time – usually never have an initiation fee to get people to join) I am so glad I did it! Took me a few weeks to really push hard at the gym but I believe it is absolutely paying off! My motivation was this pic I took last spring!

My Routine in a nutshell: Cardio in a fatburn zone – so high incline/resistance on treadmill or elliptical. I started slow at 15minutes and now I go for 25 minutes hard as I can 12incline and 3.5mph on tread and on elliptical 6 resistance. I am usually sweating intensely by the end and move onto weights.

Free Weights with 15lb weight:
- Bicep curls 15reps/3sets
- Shoulder press 15/3
- Triceps press 15/3
- Calf press 25/3
- Squats 15/3
- Alternating dumbbell lunges 12/3
- Kickbacks 20/3

*Crunches, leg lifts and other abdominal workouts as well

I switch it up and use machines for quads, lat pull, and back thigh exercises too. After I try to make time to stretch after my muscles are warm. I am working on doing the splits again! Pic below is me mid stretching and shows my problem areas mostly arms and thighs hold the fat on my body. I am toning these areas over time and can’t wait to see the difference!

The biggest reason I got back into fitness is realizing how much strength it does take to pull a motorcycle off a trailer or balancing it as I bring it up the trailer. Even when I crash and have to pick the bike off the ground requires so much strength. This is why my focus is around free weights and working out my arms/legs often. Pic below is me loading - haha see the struggle and focus on my face! I have dropped it off the trailer before >.<

I will keep posting my other hobbies and keep you updated on my fitness! Sometimes I get overwhelmed by how many interests and hobbies I have but writing about them is actually really fun because it reminds me why I enjoy each hobby. It is also never about having time for fitness or things you love it truly is about making time!

Stay Healthy Steemers! It is worth the effort <3

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