Life is a Highway - Motivation Monday - The Keto Cut Day 7

Welcome to day 7 of The Keto Cut - a series that will follow my daily routines as I cut for the summer on a ketogenic diet. These posts may not be for all of you as they are intensely focused on fitness and nutrition. Health is one of the most important parts of my life and I take it very seriously and I figured I would share my experiences and daily "logs" with all of you who may also be interested in this topic.

I’m 7 days deep into the Ketogenic diet, I definitely have reached a level of ketosis, though I typically will see a higher level of ketones as week 2 progresses - based on my past experiences with the diet.

I missed 3 days of these logs and I apologize for that. I didn't break the diet, but this past weekend I've been in a sort of "hibernation" mode. Sometimes I can have a rough transition into ketosis and I can feel extremely fatigued and flat out lazy. I watched some movies, enjoyed the sunny weather here in Chicago and just relaxed while my body adapted. I hit the gym 2 out of these 3 days, but it was definitely a rough experience.

These last 3 days have been pretty brutal to be honest - I’ve been feeling extra tired and fatigued. This is normal when you’re first adapting to Ketosis, so I wasn’t too taken aback, but I have been sleeping a lot more and trying to rest up so I don’t actually catch a cold or cause any unnecessary stress to my body - when cortisol is released, fat storage is more prominent. That’s why I like to minimize stress when dieting so that I can keep the weight off and keep my body in the best possible conditions to burn fat.

I was also listening to a bunch of podcasts and doing some thinking. This "lazy" attitude prompted me to think of a recent podcast I listened to - it was the Joe Rogan Experience and he was interviewing David Goggins - an ultra-endurance athlete and retired Navy Seal. I’ll link the episode down below, I recommend checking it out!

Anyways, David Goggins runs like nobody's business. A typical race for him is about 100-150 miles long. That's 100-150 miles in a single session. Goggins has a really amazing attitude towards life and he said something in the podcast that I loved. He mentioned life being like a 4 way highway and there's a shovel that you can pick up and start digging your own path. I extended on this idea and here's what I came up with:

Life is like a 4 lane highway. The 4 lanes represent the paths that people have taken before, those lanes are the easy ways of tackling life. You can simply drive down these lanes without having to work hard and forge a path of your own.

But there's a shovel on the side of the road. Most people - 99.9% of the people in the world - step right over that shovel and head down one of the 4 lanes. The 0.1% are the outliers - they're the ones who decide on their mission. They're the ones crazy enough to pick up that shovel and start digging. They dig and they dig their entire lives, no matter what life throws at them, they continue to dig and forge forward through rain, sleet, snow... anything. They don't make excuses. They don't whine about how hard the work is or how they could just easily hop on one the highway and drive mindlessly like everyone else.

They shun that part of their mind that continually tells them to give up. They shut it out and keep moving forward, because they know that the second they stop moving forward is the second that they start to die.

Day 7 Log:


Start WeightGoal WeightWeight Lost
Today's WeightFat Mass (%)Body Mass BMI


Off Day

What I Ate Today:

0Coffee with 2 TBSP MCT Oil
14 Eggs, 2 Slices of Cheddar Cheese, 6 oz deli chicken
210 Oz Ground Beef and Spinach cooked in 2 TBSP Coconut Oil
38 Oz Steak, Broccoli Topped with Butter
44 Servings of Mixed Nuts, 1 Avocado, 1 TBSP MCT Oil

Here's the Question of The Day, don't forget to post your answers in the comments!

QOTD: What goals are you planning on conquering this week? Are you going to make excuses, or get back to forging your own path next to the highway of life?

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to leave your thoughts below and I look forward to seeing you in the comments!


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