Monday has got me like...

Monday has got me like...


But seriously though. I forgot the number of times my toddler was sent to time out or how many times I yelled. And the 9 month old was GRUMPY this morning. #caseofthemondays in this household for sure. Added on top of the fact that the ground is still mostly covered in snow & it's so windy outside I'm too much of a baby to go on a walk with the kiddos.

This past weekend I just finished this program called 80 Day Obsession. It's a beachbody program. Have you heard of it? Anyone done it? I'll maybe share more about my experience doing it one of these days in a separate blog, but I seriously loved the program. It shaped my body in so many ways & helped me lose that post partum weight. I'm so happy to have completed it this past weekend & I was so excited for today to be a good day & to be done the 80 days, but I just honestly feel grumpy. Perhaps it's because I ate a couple of cookies & I haven't had many of those for the past 80 days, I don't know. I'm thinking it's more to do with feeling tired from 5 hours of sleep last night & a screaming toddler.

Why do Monday's have to be so dang hard??? I feel like I'll get all ready for the impeding week & all that has to get done, then Monday morning comes & it's a struggle from the time I get out of bed to the time I crawl back into bed. Now this isn't every Monday, but it sure is the case for a lot of Mondays. Is this the same for most of us?? Should weekends just be one day longer? :)

The only thing keeping me sane today is a lot of hot coffee & knowing that we go out for sushi tonight!

-Liz Lemon

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