Planche Progression! Next level unlocked!

Hello again! It's been awhile since I posted anything fitness related. Just a few days ago I finally got to the next progression for the plance so decided to share my joy! It's been a pretty slow process and even so I am ahead of schedule. I've set it as my goal to achieve full planche hold in a years time. I started 3 months ago and I think I'll be able to do it a lot sooner than expected. Currently I'm doing the Straddle Planche and holding it for 3-5 sec. Also I try extending my legs more as you see on the first picture which is another hold I do for 2-3 sec. Once I am able to comfortably hold these for more than 10 seconds I'll try and progress to the next step. 

This is the straddle planche. I still need to straighten my body a bit but it is looking good. I started leaning forward more and this is building quite the pressure in my forearms so in time they'll get stronger. 

This is where I first started and my first progression afterwards. Now that I compare it with the current state of the exercise i've gone a lot further. Every small adjustment makes this so much harder so every little bit of progress feels like a huge win. 

I've been doing the same exercises until now and mainly holding the current progression I'm on every day for a total of 30-50 sec. Doing multiple sets and usually training the planche for about 30-40 min every day. I do take breaks once a week.. sometimes I don't. It all depends on how I'm feeling but at least I am getting somewhere with it! It sure feels amazing to see some progress in whatever you do! 


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