Human Growth Hormone

Human Growth Hormone

There has been a lot of talk about human growth hormone lately but what is it, what does it do, and should I be taking it? After researching it a bit I have decided to give you the facts and let you decide.

We are always looking for a way to feel better and look younger. But do they work? Human growth hormone or HGH has been called the fountain of youth. HGH is naturally produced by your pituitary gland, abundant when you are young, it spurs growth in children and young teens helping also to regulate body composition, fluids muscle and bone growth, sugar and fat metabolism and maybe heart function. It is available through your doctor and you guessed it, the internet.

Back in the 80’s it was approved by the FDA for helping growing problems in children because of a medical condition or a deficiency of HGH. In adults it was also approved for several conditions including-muscle wasting in HIV/AIDs patients. But today many of the uses are not FDA approved and results are unfounded. Athletes are using HGH to improve their performance and build muscle purchasing it through web sites. The claim that these companies use is that the use of HGH will turn back the hands of time, reduce fat, give your hair back its color, make your immune system stronger, increase energy and improve your sex drive, help your vision and memory, and give you quality sleep. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Prescription HGH is always given by injection. When it is taken orally it is digested by the stomach before it can be absorbed into the body.

There are possible side effects as with any drug such as high cholesterol levels, nerve, muscle or joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, numb or tingling skin, or overall swelling because of too much fluid in the body’s tissues.

There are signs of deficiency of HGH in both children and adults. In children being significantly shorter than children their age or growing less than 2” per year, looking younger than every other child, delayed puberty, and slow tooth development to name a few. In adults depression, hair loss, decrease interest in sex, decreased muscle strength and mass, lack of memory, increased weight especially around the waist and fatigue.

There are really good ways to increase HGH naturally. Research suggests that high intensity exercise are very effective in promoting health and well being while stimulating HGH.

Taking a L-glutamine supplement is known for improving exercise performance and increasing glycogen storage in muscles. In an Iranian study it was found that those men who took L-glutamine increased upper body strength, blood testosterone and HGH. Studies have also shown that those who took L-arginine with exercise can increase HGH by 300–500 percent.

Try taking vitamin C, a lack of it is associated with decreased HGH production and an increased waist to hip ratio and an increase in the risk of heart disease.

By far here is my favorite, laughter. In a recent study both HGH and endorphins, (your feel good hormone), were highly increased by laughter. A happy heart is great medicine. Laugh, smile and enjoy life. Not only is it fun but it increases your HGH along with many other health benefits including fatigue. You make the choice about HGH but as for

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