Is Uddiyana Bandha the Holy Grail Of Getting a Flat Stomach? Explained!

Getting six pack and a flat belly is a dream. Particularly in the time-scarce, sedentary and technology-bound era. Not many have time to spend hours in the gym to get a strong, toned body. So, is there something that can help us get back in shape in less time? A quick fix rather?

Well, I’ve been fighting obesity since childhood. My weight loss journey has been a roller coaster ride. That journey has made me learn a lot of things by self experimentation. I’ll share a few experiences in my future posts. Though, there are no ways that you can magically spot reduce fat, but there are ways that will make us appear fitter in less time. Today, I’ll talk about the much coveted midsection and whether there is an exercise that can flatten the stomach (for good).

The answer is Yes! There is. But, it’s a stomach flattening exercise and not fat reduction exercise. There is a difference.

Fat goes away if we burn more calories (body energy) and consume less calories. However, there are many fit, skinny folks with a bulge in the midsection. Even professional bodybuilders have it these days. It’s called “bubble gut” in the fitness industry. They have abs along with a huge belly.

Let’s understand the orientation of abdominal muscles. There are 5 important ones. I’ll categorize them in 3 heads:

The Most Looked: Rectus abdominus, rechristened as the six pack. Starts from the sternum, ends at the pelvis.

The most visible. The most exercised.
Neighbours envy, owners pride.

The Glanced: Obliques. They run diagonally on both sides of the six pack. They aid in twisting the body. Sometimes when you twist with a jerk and feel the "ouch" in the torso, it's the obliques you’ve just hurt.

The Serratus and Intercostals. They look like fingers coming out of the back muscles touching the rib-cage. To an untrained eye they may be confused as a rib-cage extension.

The Overlooked: Sometimes unheard and unspoken. The step child. The Transverse Abdominus. Yes! Yes! This is it. That’s what we are talking about. The layer of muscles right below the six pack or the actual wall of stomach beneath which are our organs. The weaker the wall, the bulkier your belly will appear. It’s common sense if you hang weight on a weak wall, it can’t hold it. It will hang with it. That’s precisely why the belly looks more protruding. We need to address this elephant in the room.

Well, for every complex problem there is a concise, clear and simple solution. The solution is “uddiyana bandha”( abdominal lock), an isometric contraction yoga move more often known as the stomach vacuum. It is by far the best and only isolation exercise that directly works on the transverse abdominus.

The exercise is easy and it can be done anywhere. Moreover, there are many variants to this exercise.

✅On the feet: stand on your feet, hands on your waist.
✅Lying down face Upward
✅Lying down face Downward
✅On the knees, palms on the ground(cat pose)


  1. Breath all the possible air out of your lungs.
  2. Hold this position for 5 seconds (as a beginner) and slowly work your way up to 15-30 seconds.
  3. Suck your belly button backward as if it will touch the spine and release.

Do 3-5 sets 2 times a day. Empty stomach and post workout. You can increase sets when you get comfortable.


What’s In It For You?
➠Flatter belly
➠Slimmer waist. Bodybuilders in the physique category these days start doing this move 3-4 weeks prior to their show to slim their waist.
➠Strong core
➠It massages the abdominal organs improving their functions.
➠Improves blood circulation.
➠A great stress reliever

So, do incorporate this in your exercise arsenal. You'll be amazed with the results. That's all for this post. Please upvote if you found it helpful and follow me "ememkay. Please resteem if your friends can benefit out of it.

Thanks and may the Power be with you!👊

Disclaimer: Images used are labled reusable and are available in public domain.

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