Let's Stop All The Sitting and MOVE! :)

Hey friends!

Most adults in this country find themselves sitting down a LOT. Driving in the car, working at a desk, eating their meals, coming home from a long day and sitting on the couch to unwind in front of the TV...

Sometimes sitting down a lot can be really cute, but for most of us it's not!

It's true that with modern technology has come great convenience, but also has come a huge decrease in overall physical activity for most people.

I think it's this detail alone that's responsible for most adults' unfavorable body composition changes, but it's the detail that's easiest to forget and most commonly overlooked.

By sitting down all the time in one spot, we are essentially using NO energy. That means very little calorie burn, which typically means fat gain. It also hurts us physically in terms of creating problems with our posture, changes in the tone of some of our important skeletal muscles (tightening, loosening, lengthening, shortening) in questionable ways that can cause some pretty major dysfunction in our bodies.

Also, some research out there has suggested that sitting too much can increase the risks of cardiovascular problems, circulatory issues, and metabolic syndrome... I think lots of information gathering is still being done on this topic, but I personally wouldn't want to risk these things just by planting my ass into a chair!

Basically, the message is this... Sit less. Move more.

It's pretty easy if you put your mind to it!

Here are some ways you can help yourself out:

  • Take frequent breaks to get up from your desk and walk around

  • Get a standing desk

  • Do a few squats in your cubicle while you're on the phone

  • Ride your bike to work instead of driving

  • Use your lunch break to take a long walk or get a workout in

  • After work, do an exercise or yoga video instead of binge-watching netflix on the couch, or take a walk outside with a loved one

  • This is less specifically related but helpful nonetheless: get more physical activity IN GENERAL. Hit the gym, go for a run, head to a fitness class. Park your car in the farthest corner of the parking lot, take the stairs instead of the elevator, carry a grocery basket instead of pushing a cart... It all helps and adds up over time! Any moment you're not stationary is a better moment for your health!

All of these are simple things that can help break up all that sitting in your life, and feel free to add anything and everything you can think of to get you on your feet and out of that chair!

When I worked at my desk job, I always drank extra water just so I could get up and go to the bathroom all the time... It was a double win for me - I was super hydrated AND got to get up and move! :)

How do you keep from sitting all day long?

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