Running a mile under 6 minutes (My Journey in dropping 1 full minute) 7th run

1.28 miles
Time: 9:16
Average pace: 7:15 (1 mile time was roughly 6:52)

To see my previous run, check out the below post.
No pain no gain.

As you've probably noticed, I've been slacking. I really haven't been in the mood for running or working out and it took me 6 days to log this run from my previous. It's also been raining 4/6 days. If it wasn't for this log, I'd definitely be getting fatter and more out of shape. I was really worried I would be slower this run so I made it a point to focus and not slow down. Surprisingly, my mile time was a huge improvement from the last run. I almost beat my 6:50 time from a few weeks ago clocking in around 6:52 (i was trying to take a screenshot but messed up while running and that's why the time is off).1 mile.PNG

I felt my cramp kick in around half a mile but it was a small one so I didn't slow down. Maybe it was mental and I didn't want to dissapoint you guys, but I just kept running and even picked up the pace during the second half of my mile and almost beat my personal best time for the year. After the first mile, I pretty much dropped off the face of the earth and was pacing at 8 minutes+. I knew I had to keep going and pass 1.21 (last weeks distance) in order to get my body accustomed to running further with the goal of running 1.5 miles at a good pace. The cramp was pretty bad. The cramp pain felt like a 7/10 and after I finished which is still somewhat bearable. The pain lasted for a good 10 minutes after I finished even while walking during my cool down. I didn't really feel it that bad while I was running but I guess that's mind over matter for ya.

Very close to that 7:10 pace I had set as an interim goal. I just need to get to that pace at 1.5 miles. Overall a surprisingly good run!
Chase after those goals and see you guys on the next run!summary.PNG

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