Running a mile under 6 minutes (My Journey in dropping 1 full minute) 6th run

To see my previous run, check out the below post.
No pain no gain.

1.21 miles
Time: 8:57
Average pace: 7:24 (1 mile time was roughly 7:21)


Changed my route so I could get in a longer run. I posted in this week's earlier run from the gym that I felt like my body couldn't handle the 1 mile run well as I was starting to cramp about 1/4 the way into the mile. I'm working on alleviating this by running longer distances so my body won't fatigue as early. I will force my body to adjust to slightly longer runs so when I do cramp, it will be closer to the end and not beginning. The goal is to get to 1.5+miles at roughly a 7:10 per mile pace. I paced a bit slower today so I could run a bit longer. I started cramping around 3/4 a mile at today's pace. Not too bad but I also was not running with as high intensity as I normally do for the mile. The cramping pain hit about a 6/10 pain level at 1.21 miles so I just cut it there. Not too painful and the run was mediocre but I'm expecting this will help lay a stronger foundation for my mile.

Chase after those goals and see you guys on the next run!

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