Fifty runs till May by a running turtle: Day 4


Fifty runs till May by a running turtle: Day 4

  • Distance: 5 km
  • Time: about 25min
  • Speed range: 8~13.8km/h
  • Incline: 1%

Strength workout

  • Pull-ups: Maxday (10-7-5-5-5) with 90 sec in between
  • 35 push-ups right after last set of pull-up
  • Bench press: 44.5kg x 5reps + 54.5kg x 5 reps


Today's Seoul's air quality was the worst I have ever felt.

It was bizarre. On my way to work, could barely see sunlight.

All the light was scattered in the air, because air was full of particles.

It felt really awkward to breath in, because my body just naturally reacted with
aversion to it.

We really need to reduce air pollution and plant trees (this will be up on my list... planting at least 10 trees before this year ends.. you are welcome to hold me accountable!)

Anyhow, so I decided to run indoor.

I didn't have any objective or plan as I stepped on the treadmill.

It felt good to move my body, starting at 8km/h, and I felt good moving at 13.8km/h for a bit.

Then for some reason I felt really tired, out of tune. I couldn't get into the flow, that rhythm, where running happens on its own.

So I called it a day at 5km, and decided to work on upper body.

Ever since I started running seriously, I forgot to take care of my upper body.

I have been following Armstrong Pull-up program,
and it had been doing some magic to my body.

I won't lie, I couldn't do a series of 3 perfect pull-ups before the program, but today I could do 10 reps
for my first set of 5 max sets.

It feels really good to see my body getting stronger.

I always have been a skinny yet fit person, never weighing over 150 pounds (or 70kg) in my life (I am about 180cm/6ft tall). I never had a probelm with my body image, but it feels good to see some muscle on my upper body.

My goal is to do 20 pull-ups nonstop... we will see how it goes...!

Also, a shout out to @runningproject. Steemit running community have definitely a huge potential to grow,
and I am happy to see this initiative. Go check out their project here.
This is only my second week here and I haven't earned any steem yet,
and I can't wait to join the project and support the steemit running community to grow.

Happy running!



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