Wild at heart, the artifact

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The night was long and my body was aching, running through the bush wasn't an easy task, we weren't sure how far we would go before they found us, the only advantage we had is that we knew the terrain very well, we could hear gunshot from a far so we dare not stand and rest so we kept going. Newt was carrying something in his bag that we knew was the reason we were been hunted , we wanted to stop and check but we had no time so we kept going, i remember hearing mark mumble something but didnt pay attention to it, Steve said in a large gasp of air, i hope its worth all that hustle, i was looking for the caves cause i knew if we reach the cave we are safe ,

We were a few meters to the caves when Mark said stop , i hear something coming, we all fell to the ground and a large helicopter passed over us with a big search light. We could not move cause if we were sported we would be shot but we could not stay still cause of the team perusing us , either way we were dead duck so we had to think of plan B, we figured going round but that will put us on harms way cause the long route to the cave would mean we go through the river and the river had piranhas. We had one chance through before they attack . Steve suggested we build a raft but there was no time. we found a log and all of us sat on it wit only our shoes touching the water and we paddle as hard as we can. We struggled cause the water current was strong but we managed. We ran as fast as we can towards the cave just we were about to enter the cave the helicopter sported us and opened fire, we ducked and jumped into the cave

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We were lucky but Mark was bleeding , we knew the worst had happen, he was hit, we pushed deep into the cave and checked on him to see how big the damage was, we could not find any bullet, we realize he had been attacked by the Piranhas on the water but didn't say a thing to keep us focused, we could not wait long cause the pursuers were getting closer to the cave. The caves was a labyrinth that have various opening and we knew our way in and out, we had played on this caves since we were kids and we knew they would not find us there. Our struggle was to make sure Mark does not leave any blood trail . I devised a plan to use Mark blood and stain all routes within the caves to confuse them then be on our way as fast as possible. When we were done we left in a hurry leaving the gun men to their demise. If you can't find a way out of the caves you could die, it was like finding your way out of a confusing maze

We headed out through a water tunnel and came out through a narrow path and we were out, we rushed down the field took a raft that was by the river and headed downstream. We were safe, When we came out of the river we went to cabin hidden in the wood. It belonged to striker, a ranger who had decided to live away from civilization cause he was tired of the constant noise and hustle of modernization, we knew that wasnt the real story. He was a friend and we told him what had happened, he went opened a lock at the floor of the cabin and brought out enough weapons to equip a small army and start a war. Then he said "let them come". We were curious to see why they wanted Newt dead,so we open the bag.

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Inside the bag was a metallic device that seem alien, this is not from here mumble Steve, This is an alien artifact, it seem to be radiating energy, all those stories about aliens coming to earth were true cried Newt and the government lied to us, Striker looked at all of us and said "you have no idea what the government has been hiding", now we understood why he went to the wood to live away from everyone, he was tired of the lies and cover up. He took a lead ax and struck the artifact and split into two, took some tools and remove a stone from the core and said we have to go. We could not
wait we did as he said and left as we were headed out he set all the traps, and then mumbled booyaah , we jumped on a hover craft and headed south the river. Nobody said a thing but we were curious about the stone he had removed

to be continued

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