Challenge #04308-K290: Critical Strike


Several older kids send letters to Jay asking him if they will teach them to defend themselves. They have never killed, but each one has used a blade at least once to get away from those that were trying to hurt them.
@internutter/challenge-04247-k229-gratitude -- Fighting Fit

"This lesson is called: How to hurt them," began Jay. "And I'm going to answer the question you all have right now - What if I make them angry? Let's be honest about that. If you're in a place where it's hurt them or die, they're already angry. Hurting them enough to get away won't change a flakkin' thing."

You know your alleged caregiver better than most, Jay taught them. You know where they're weak. You know which hand they like to strike you with. You know their favourite weapons. You know the warning signs.

The videos had Jay facing two different combattants. One bigger than them, and one smaller. They knew too well that size wasn't the only indicator of an abuser. The 'knife' was a red chalk marker, so the audience could see where the wounds were going.

They also demonstrated big knife and little knife. Because the weapon you had to hand was never guaranteed.

"You already know the basics. The sharp bit goes into someone else. If you're like me, you already know how to look for exits. But here's a pro tip if they've blocked you off. Hit their dominant side, and go around the other side."

Clyde, the big opponent, could attack both right-handed and left handed. Jay walked their audience through the moves for each opponent handedness and each combatant's handedness.

"If you've rarely or never fought back before, they're likely to shrink away out of surprise. That's your opening to get out. Don't worry about knocking them down. Don't worry about stopping them coming after you. Slow them down at best. Give them something to think about, but get out. Even if you don't have your go bag or supplies, just get out of their reach."

"Now. If you're against someone faster than you, here's where to strike so they'll have trouble chasing you..."

Even stabbing the top of a foot can give an abuser a limp. Stabbing the leg muscles can make them less inclined to run. And if they had their junk out in the open, sure as hell stab that. Jay could almost guarantee they'd rather be concerned with their intimate parts than chasing down their victim.

"And if you think you need to go back to get something - don't. If you really have to, wait until they're out of the place on other business before you even try. So many abusers use their victims' treasures as bait. Be. Careful."

Jay even taught them how to run with a blade in their hand, with a caution, "If anyone's losing an eye, make sure it's them."

Jay closed as they always closed, "Remember. They've made a hobby out of making sure you're too frightened to strike back or leave. They want you to think you're weak and powerless. You. Are. Strong. You. Have. Power. You can get out. You can survive. And you can be free."

[Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash]

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