Challenge #04247-K229: Gratitude


Letters, several of them, are sent to Jay. Who sits with Lillicoon reading them. From those he saved, without needing to raise a blade.
@internutter/challenge-04151-k133-flying-free -- Anon Guest

"I've got mail," said Jay, looking in confusion at their datareader. "Why would anyone send me mail?"

Lillicoon had to smirk. "You mean besides my own reasons?"

Jay fumbled and short-circuited for a solid minute before her gentle laughter gave him the clue that she was playing with him. He relaxed and laughed a little. "Yeah, I doubt five hundred and seventy-four people are into my rakish charm."

"Five hundred?" Lillicoon yawped.

Jay's datareader mad a small noise. "And seventy-five now."

"You sure you have your spam filters on[1]?"

"Only the best, the CRC's very insistent about it[2]." Jay opened one. "Aaawww... They're... they're thank-you letters. Dear mister J. I saw your fids and they helped me get away. I get to eat every day now and the people here are nice to me. They're from all the people who saw my how-to's."

Lillicoon sidled up beside them to read over their shoulder. "For Jay," she read, "Many thanking to you. I had hope for the first time. I have better than hope today."

There was a child's drawing of a face in a screen talking to a human-ish blob. A speech bubble from the screen put wings on the blob.

Jay couldn't see any more than that because his eyes were leaking. "They don't have to become like me," he whispered. "They're really free."

[1] Wherever there's a means to communicate, others will attempt to sell people things using that. In the days of physical messages, there was junk mail. With electronic communication, there's spam. Even in the distant future, there's attempted advertising. At least they banned making you sign up to an app just to receive it.

[2] A moment's thought about annoying a member of Pax Humanis and the consequences thereof will tell you why.

[Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash]

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