Challenge #04285-K267: Mutually Assured Protection


The one I call my friend, no, more like a parental to me, helped me be a better CEO. The people are happy, I've plenty for my family, and they even introduced me to my spouse, we adopted kids, too. I'm so grateful. They're still here for us , them and their friends. They can be scary, but behind their masks, they're really kind.
@internutter/challenge-04030-k012-double-down-defeat -- Anon Guest

I spent a lot of my life being yelled at for being myself. Then, when I turned sixteen and lucked into Dad's business, everyone was suddenly my friend.

Pity for them that I had the trust beat out of me before I was five.

Then along came Jones. Friendly Jones. Perceptive Jones. Sometimes deadly Jones. She's my friend, Pax Humanis Jones[1].

She was honest with me. Something I never expected. She accepted me as I was. She told me about things I could try that might help me deal with my days. She got me a weighted blanket and I slept soundly for the first time in my life.

I sleep a lot better since then. Especially after my experiments. They fly in the face of everything everyone's ever said about economics, that's true. What they also do is provide results. I like results. I can analyse results. I can examine them. I can fine-tune the variables.

And I can come up with plans based on those results. I can act on what's demonstrated to work. No matter what the others say about it.

It's very interesting, these experiments. Jones helped with a lot of them. She calls it "drip-feeding the truth" to everyone. I just want to know what really works and what doesn't. So I'm going against the advice of all the sudden-and-false friends, and siding with Jones.

The proof in the pudding, as Jones would say, is that I've been making profits hand over fist. Money does do better work when it flows. Like blood, money needs to circulate.

My people live healthier, take less days off sick. They work better now that they have rewards for that work. They don't get injured so much when I pay attention to their safety. I even benefit from supplying education and free time to my people.

They don't understand it, no matter how many times I try to explain it to them. I asked Jones if she could help, but she's said there's no helping some people.

Other than helping them to a swift vanishing, that is.

Jones insists it's fine. She calls it an essential service to the Universe.

Yeah. I know she's a killer. But she's also the mom I never had before. And my best friend. And the wisest person I know. They've never done me any wrong, and that's the most important part.

She's mine, and I'll protect her in every way I can.

[1] Fun fact: This paragraph scans to a song that possibly only I remember. The first sentence is the title, by the way.

[Photo by Chris Briggs on Unsplash]

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