Challenge #04030-K012: Double Down Defeat


The Pax Humanis member decides not to kill the young CEO they were sent to investigate. Instead, they begin a proper education, after first killing those that lead hir astray. The cruelty was due to ignorance and inexperience, not deliberate. -- Anon Guest

People hear "Pax Humanis" and think of bloodthirsty maniacs that need to be contained for everyone's safety. They're not wrong, but there's also those among the organization who are a lot less extreme. The Justices, as we call ourselves. We come, we weigh them in the balance and... well. If they're found wanting, then they serve as an example to the others.

This assignment was like a lot of others. Infiltrate the system, get close to the target... sort them out. Deregger worlds are the most often seen to. It's amazing how hard they double down on the same [EXCREMENT] that doesn't work and never will.

This particular leader of nightsoil was a baby.

Well. Relative baby. Ze'd been handed the reins of the corporation at sixteen years old. Sixteen! That's as disastrous as it used to be, just so you know. The lickspittles, flattering graspers, and gold-diggers were already swarming.

Honestly, the kid was lucky ze was both Ace and a little Autistic. Society had made them wary about people pretending to be kind just to get something out of hir.

That said, ze wasn't immune to the kinds of people who could work through hir mental fences.

This wasn't a monster in the making. This was a victim.

And, because ze was Sixteen... I emotionally adopted hir.

It was a process. I got into one of the more invisible positions where it didn't matter what I looked like. I took note of hir preferences and shorthands and just kept being a friendly face.

Two weeks of being genuinely nice to the kid, and ze was more inclined to listen to my advice about everything. Any grasping flatterer got the evaluation, "[NAME] reminds me of Uncle Bad-touch." About the lickspittles, I said, "They're a pretty little leech, aren't they? So glittery that you don't even notice how much blood they're after."

Then I got hir to try a few "economic experiments" which boiled down to gradually introducing the Galactic way of doing things. Medical discounts, safety measure, preventative moves, all that good stuff that looks harmless enough. Anything to make measures like Universal Basic Income more palatable.

Deregger CEOs never want to believe that money works better when it's flowing.

And yes, before you ask, I have had to murder a few [WASTE VENTS] from time to time. Nobody hurts my kid.

[Photo by Chris Briggs on Unsplash]

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