The Eternal Roulette Call Fibromyalgia

Imagine, for a moment, that our soul every morning takes body, becomes tangible and watches us sleep.

My soul follows an eternal ritual, takes a gold revolver and loads it on the three silver bullets, rasss rasss, turns the drum between his fingers and points at my body.

To the head ... clikc .... To the arm ... BANG ... to the body .... BANG ... to the legs ... Clikc ... to the elbows ... Click ... to the fingers ... BANG ....

Finished his constum, keeps the revolver in his cloth of velvet and disappears at the dawn of my awakening.  Thus every day he destroys his whim with his revolver.

Some days, the gun will box and not shoot, days of tranquility that pass quickly before learning to enjoy it.  Maybe it's better this way, because if it lasted longer I could forget the pain and I could not bear to face him again.

I tell my friends I am fine, while my arms are burning and I can barely hold on to the bus bar.

How can I explain to you that my soul shot me this morning ...

Please, just understand me

If you love someone with fibromyalgia, you will know that we suffer from severe pains that vary from day to day and from hour to hour.  This we can not predict.  That is why we want you to understand that sometimes we have to cancel things and events at the last moment, and this bothers us as much as you.

We want you to know that we ourselves have to learn to accept our body with its limitations, and it is not easy. There is no cure for fibromyalgia, but we try to relieve the symptoms on a daily basis.  We did not ask to suffer from this.

Many times we feel overwhelmed and we can not deal with more tensions than we already have.  If possible, do not add more stress to my body.

Although we look good, we do not feel good.  We have learned to live with constant pain most days.  When you see us happy, it does not necessarily mean that we do not have pain, simply that we are dealing with it.  Some people think that we can not be feeling so bad if we look good.  The pain is not visible.  This is a chronic invisible disease, and it is not easy for us to live with.

Please understand that because we can not work as before, it is not that we are lazy.  Our tiredness and pain is unpredictable, and because of this we have to make adjustments in our lifestyle.  Something that seems simple and easy to do, is not for us, and can cause us much fatigue and pain.  Not necessarily something we did yesterday we can do today, but it does not mean that we will not be able to do it again ..

Sometimes we get depressed, but who would not be depressed with a constant and persistent pain?  It has been found that depression occurs with the same frequency in fibromyalgia as in any other chronic pain condition.  It does not give us pain because we are depressed, but because of the constant pain and incapacity to do what we used to.  We also feel bad when there is no support and understanding from the medical community, family and friends.  Please understand, with your support and help, you lessen our pain.

Even if we slept all night, we did not rest enough.  People with fibromyalgia have a poor quality sleep, which makes pain worse on days when we sleep poorly.

It is not easy for us to remain in the same position (even if seated) for a long time.  This causes us much pain and takes time to recover.  So we do not go to some activities that we know that would hurt us.  Sometimes we go, although we know the consequences that will bring.

We are not going crazy if we sometimes forget simple things, what we were saying, someone's name or we say the wrong word.  These are cognitive problems that are part of fibromyalgia especially in the days when we have a lot of pain.  It is a strange thing for you and me.  But do help us laugh together and keep our sense of humor.

Most people with fibromyalgia are better aware of this condition than some doctors and others because we have been forced to educate ourselves to understand our body.  So, please, if you are going to suggest a 'cure' for us, do not do it.  It is not because we do not appreciate your help, or we do not want to improve ourselves, but because we keep ourselves well informed, and we have already tried many things.

We feel very happy when we have a day with little pain, when we get a good night's sleep, when we do something we have not been able to do for a long time, and we are understood.

We truly appreciate everything you have done and can do for us fibromyalgics, Including your effort to inform and understand us.   Small things mean a lot to us, and we need you to help us to educate others about Fibromyalgia.  Be gentle and patient.  Remember that inside this aching and tired body, we are still trying to learn to live day by day with our limitations and to keep hope for a better tomorrow.  

Thank you for reading this, and would appreciated very much if you share this article.  Thank you very much.

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